Count Function in R I dplyr::count()

Learn how to use the count function in R with dplyr::count() to quickly tally the unique values of a variable in a data frame.

Data analysis is all about turning raw data into actionable insights. I was working on a research project analyzing survey data from thousands of respondents. The clock was ticking, and I needed to summarize responses to hundreds of questions quickly. Manually counting each response would have taken days, if not weeks. 

Then, I discovered the magic of the count function in R. In a matter of minutes, I transformed a messy dataset into a neatly summarized table, revealing patterns and trends that were previously hidden. That's the power of the count function – it's a game-changer for data analysts of all levels. You can read more about count function.

Count Function in R I dplyr::count()
Table of Contents

Key points

  1. The count function in R's dplyr package summarises the frequency of values within a dataset. Forget manual counting; count does the heavy lifting for you.  
  2. Count effortlessly adapts to your data's structure when dealing with categorical factors like car models or numeric variables like horsepower. 
  3. Count seamlessly integrates with other dplyr functions, allowing you to filter, group, and transform your data fluently and intuitively. 
  4. Don't let incorrect data types or missing values trip you up. With some know-how, you can easily troubleshoot common issues and ensure accurate results.
  5. Beyond simple counting, the count function is your gateway to uncovering patterns, trends, and relationships hidden within your data. 

What is the Count Function in R?

The count function in R from the dplyr package empowers you to swiftly summarize and tabulate the frequency or number of values that occur within a dataset. It's just like a magnifying glass that zooms in on the distribution of values, allowing you to answer critical questions effortlessly: 

  • How many cars in the mtcars dataset have 4 cylinders?
  • What's the distribution of transmission types (am vs. automatic)?
  • How many observations fall into each combination of cylinder count and transmission type?

This function operates like a frequency calculator, adeptly identifying and quantifying unique values within your data. It generates a new data frame that lists each distinct value and its corresponding count, offering a clear and concise distribution summary.

The dplyr package also provides a family of related functions that complement count:

Required Libraries for count function in R

In this tutorial, we will use the following libraries and data set.


Read more how to install libraries in R

tally() in R

A function that directly prints the count results to your console, perfect for quick checks.

mtcars %>% count(cyl) %>% tally()

In the R code above, we use tally() in conjunction with count() to count the number of cars based on the number of cylinders and print the result directly to the console.

tally () function in R by using the dplyr library

add_count() in R

Instead of creating a separate data frame, it seamlessly adds a new column to your existing dataset, recording the count for each group or value.

mtcars_with_counts <- mtcars %>% add_count(cyl)

Here, add_count() adds a new column named "n" to the mtcars dataset, showing the number of cars with a given number of cylinders.

add_count() in R using dplyr library

add_tally() in R

Specifically designed for grouped data, this function works in harmony with group_by(), enabling you to add counts within pre-defined groups effortlessly.

mtcars %>%
  group_by(vs) %>%

We first use the group_by() function in the R code to group the data set by the number of cylinders, and then we count the number of cars in each group using add_tally().

add_tally() in R using mtcars data set

Whether you're exploring categorical variables, analyzing grouped data, or delving into weighted counts, the count function and its counterparts offer a flexible and efficient toolkit for uncovering the hidden patterns within your data.

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    Why Choose the Count Function? 

    1. Efficiency and Speed: Compared to manual counting or writing custom loops, counting significantly streamlines the process of summarizing frequencies. It's designed to operate efficiently on large datasets, saving you valuable time and effort.
    2. Simplicity and Readability: The syntax of count is concise and intuitive, making your code easier to read and understand. This clarity is especially beneficial when collaborating with others or revisiting your analysis later.
    3. Versatility Across Data Types: Whether your data includes categorical factors (e.g., car models, survey responses), numeric variables (e.g., ages, sales figures), or a combination of both, count handles it all with ease. This adaptability makes it a versatile tool for various data analysis tasks.
    4. Seamless Integration with Tidyverse: If you're already familiar with the dplyr package and the tidyverse philosophy, count fits right into your existing workflow. You can seamlessly combine it with other dplyr functions like filter, group_by, and mutate to create powerful data manipulation pipelines.
    5. Clear and Informative Output: The count function generates a tidy data frame as its output, making it easy to visualize, interpret, and further analyze the summarized results. You can readily create bar charts, tables, or other visualizations to communicate your findings.
    6. Handling Missing Values: By default, count excludes missing values (NA) from its calculations, ensuring that your summaries are accurate and relevant. However, you can also include missing values if they are meaningful in your analysis.

    How Does the Count Function Work?

    Think of the count function as a helpful tally counter. It looks at your data and counts how often each unique item appears.

    Step 1: Load the dplyr Package

    Before using count, you must have the dplyr package loaded into R. It gives you access to a whole set of tools for working with data.

    Load and install the dplyr Package

    Step 2: Use count function to Count Unique Values

    Let's say you want to know how many cars in the mtcars dataset have different numbers of cylinders. Here's the code:

    mtcars %>% count(cyl)
    This code does three things:
    1. It takes your mtcars dataset.
    2. The %>% symbol (called a "pipe") sends the data into the count function.
    3. The count(cyl) part tells the count to look at the cyl column (number of cylinders) and count how many times each unique value appears.

    This means there are 11 cars with four cylinders, seven with six cylinders, and 14 with eight cylinders.

    Use count function to Count Unique Values using dplyr in R

    Step 3: Counting with Groups

    Want to get learn some advance? 

    You can count within groups. For example, how many cars have automatic or manual transmissions (am) for each number of cylinders (cyl).

    mtcars %>% count(cyl, am)
    Now you get a table that shows the count for each combination of cylinders and transmission type:

    Counting with Groups by using the count function in R

    Step 4: Handling Missing Values (NA)

    By default, the count doesn't include any rows where the value you're counting is missing (NA). If you want to include those missing values in your count, add na.rm = FALSE to the count function.

    # This will not include NAs
    mtcars %>% count(cyl)
    # This will include NAs
    mtcars %>% count(cyl, na.rm = FALSE)
    Handling Missing Values (NA) in count function from dplyr in R

    Key Points to Remember

    • The count function makes counting things in your data super easy.
    • You can count how often different values appear in one column or across multiple columns.
    • By default, count ignores missing values, but you can change that if necessary.

    Overview of Count Functions in R

    Function Library Pros Cons
    table() Base R - Simple and built-in function. - Limited to categorical data.
    - No need for additional libraries. - Not as flexible for complex counting operations.
    count() dplyr - Flexible and intuitive syntax. - Requires installation of the dplyr package.
    - Works well with the tidyverse ecosystem. - May be slower for very large datasets.
    summarise(n = n()) dplyr - Can be combined with other dplyr functions for complex summaries. - Slightly more complex syntax.
    - Efficient for grouped counting. - Requires understanding of dplyr syntax.
    tally() dplyr - Simple for quick counts. - Less flexible than count().
    - Integrates with dplyr pipelines. - Not as widely used or known.
    table1::tbl() table1 - Designed for descriptive statistics and counts. - Requires installation of the table1 package.
    - Useful for creating summary tables in reports. - May be overkill for simple counts.
    aggregate() Base R - Powerful for grouped counts and aggregations. - More complex and less intuitive syntax.
    - No additional libraries needed. - Can be less efficient than dplyr for very large datasets.
    tableone::CreateTableOne() tableone - Excellent for medical and clinical data summaries. - Requires installation of the tableone package.
    - Provides comprehensive tables for research. - May be complex for simple counting needs.
    data.table::dcast() data.table - Highly efficient and fast for large datasets. - Requires installation of the data.table package.
    - Flexible for various counting and aggregation tasks. - Slightly steeper learning curve for syntax.
    janitor::tabyl() janitor - Easy to use for frequency tables and proportions. - Requires installation of the janitor package.
    - Integrates well with tidyverse. - Limited to categorical data.
    plyr::count() plyr - Simple and intuitive for counting. - The plyr package is older and less efficient than dplyr.
    - Good for basic counting tasks. - plyr is being phased out in favor of dplyr.

    Common Errors and Solutions with the Count Function in R

    Even with its user-friendly design, the count function can sometimes throw a curveball. Let's tackle some common hiccups you might encounter and provide solutions to get you back on track:

    Incorrect Data Types

    Imagine counting unique values in a column that's not a factor or character variable. You might get an error or unexpected results.

    Always double-check your data types. Use functions like class() or str() to verify that the column you're working with is suitable for counting unique values. If needed, convert the column to a factor using as.factor().


    Let's say we want to count the unique values in the hp (horsepower) column of the mtcars dataset. Before proceeding, we check the data type:

    #If it's not a factor, we can convert it:
    mtcars$hp <- as.factor(mtcars$hp)
    mtcars %>% count(hp)
    how to fix counting unique values in a column that's not a factor

    Missing Values (NA):

    By default, count excludes rows with missing (NA) values in the column you're counting. This can lead to undercounting if those missing values are meaningful.

    To include missing values in your count, add the argument na.rm = FALSE to the count function.

    # Count unique values in the `cyl` column, including NAs
    mtcars %>% count(cyl, na.rm = FALSE)
    ount excludes rows with missing (NA) in R

    Unexpected Results (Grouping Gone Wrong)

    Sometimes, you might get results that don't match your expectations, especially when working with grouped data.

    Carefully review your group_by() statement. Ensure you're grouping by the correct variables and in the desired order. Double-check for typos or incorrect variable names.

    # Correct grouping
    mtcars %>% group_by(cyl, am) %>% count()
    Unexpected Results in Grouping using dplyr

    General Troubleshooting Tips

    • Read the Error Messages: Error messages are your friends! They often provide valuable clues about what went wrong.
    • Consult the Documentation: The official dplyr documentation is a treasure trove of information. Look up the count function to clarify its usage and arguments.
    • Seek Help Online: If you're still stuck, don't hesitate to ask for help on online forums like Stack Overflow. The R community is known for its helpfulness and expertise.

    By being mindful of these common errors and following the suggested solutions, you'll be well on your way to mastering the count function and confidently summarizing your data in R.


    The count function in R is an adaptable and necessary tool for any data analyst. Its ability to quickly and efficiently summarize the frequency of values within datasets makes it a true workhorse in data wrangling. The count function seamlessly adapts to various data types and scenarios, from counting unique values to analysing grouped data.

    We've delved into the inner workings of the count, highlighting its simplicity and integration with the powerful dplyr package. By understanding its core purpose, you're equipped to easily tackle a wide range of data summarization tasks. We've also explored common pitfalls and provided practical solutions, ensuring you can navigate potential challenges confidently.

    Remember, the count function isn't just about numbers; it's about extracting meaning and insights from your data. Whether exploring the characteristics of cars in the mtcars dataset or analyzing complex survey responses, count enables you to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships that might otherwise remain hidden.

    So, the next time you're faced with a dataset waiting to be deciphered, don't hesitate to reach for the count function. Its efficiency, versatility, and intuitive syntax make it your trusted ally in the quest for data-driven discoveries.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Is there a counting function in R?

    Yes, R offers several counting functions. The most versatile and commonly used is the count function, which is part of the dplyr package. It efficiently summarizes the frequency of values within a dataset.

    What is count() used for?

    The count() function is used to tally the occurrences of unique values within a variable or combination of variables. It's your go-to tool for quickly understanding the distribution of data.

    What package is count in R?

    The count function is in the dplyr package, a core component of the tidyverse, a collection of R packages designed for data science.

    How to count rows in R?

    To count the total number of rows in a data frame (like the mtcars dataset), you can use the nrow() function:

    nrow(mtcars) # This will show us there are 32 rows in mtcars dataset

    How do you count characters in R?

    The nchar() function counts the number of characters in a string:

    nchar("Hello, R!") # Returns 8

    How to use count if?

    The count function doesn't have an "if" condition built in. However, you can combine it with a filter from dplyr to achieve conditional counting:

    mtcars %>% filter(cyl == 4) %>% count() 

    This will count only the rows where there are four cylinders (cyl = 4)

    What's an n()?

    Within dplyr, n() is a special function used to count the number of observations (rows) in a group or the entire dataset when used with summarize. It's often paired with group_by to count observations per group.

    # Example Counting with Grouped Data

    mtcars %>%

      group_by(cyl) %>% 

      summarize(Count = n())

    What is the use of count() and count_*?

    • count(): As discussed earlier, count() creates a new data frame with the unique values and corresponding counts.
    • The count_* family (add_count, add_tally) adds a new column to your existing data frame, showing the count for each group or value. This is useful to keep the original data structure while adding count information.

    What is the count method?

    In R, "count" typically refers to functions like count(), table(), or length() rather than a specific "method." These functions provide different ways to count elements within data structures.

    What is %>% in R?

    The %>% symbol, called the "pipe" operator, is a handy tool from the magrittr package (included in the tidyverse). It allows you to chain functions together, passing the output of one function as the input to the next. This makes your code more readable and easier to follow.

    Which function in RStudio?

    RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R, not a function itself. The functions we've discussed (like count, n(), nrow(), nchar()) are all part of R and can be used within RStudio.

    What is the sum() function in R?

    The sum() function adds up numeric values. You can use it to calculate the total of a column in a data frame:

    sum(mtcars$mpg) # Calculates the total miles per gallon across all cars

    How to count observations in R?

    • For the total number of observations (rows) in a data frame, use nrow().
    • To count observations within groups, use group_by() followed by summarize(n = n()) (or tally()).

    Which function gives the count of levels in R?

    The nlevels() function tells you how many unique levels (categories) a factor variable has:


    This will return the number of unique levels in the cyl variable.

    How do I count the number of values in a list in R?

    Use the length() function to find the number of elements in a list.

    What is the difference between N and count in R?

    • N: Within dplyr, N is a special symbol representing the total number of rows in a data frame. It's often used within summarize() for calculations based on the total count.
    • count: The count function is a specialized tool from dplyr designed to efficiently count unique values and create summary tables.

    Transform your raw data into actionable insights. Let my expertise in R and advanced data analysis techniques unlock the power of your information. Get a personalized consultation and see how I can streamline your projects, saving you time and driving better decision-making. Contact me today at or visit to schedule your discovery call.

    About the author

    Zubair Goraya
    Ph.D. Scholar | Certified Data Analyst | Blogger | Completed 5000+ data projects | Passionate about unravelling insights through data.

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