Creating & Transforming Variables in RStudio: Your Essential Guide

Learn creating, recoding, and renaming variables in R data frames. Learn essential dplyr functions like mutate() and ifelse()

Key takeaways

  • Multiple methods exist for creating new variables in R, each with advantages and limitations. Understanding these options empowers you to choose the best tool for your needs and data context.
  • Best practices prioritize clarity and efficiency. Opt for descriptive variable names, avoid risky methods like assign and attach/detach, and favor mutate/transmute for consistent and efficient data manipulation within data frames.
  • New variables can enrich your data for accurate analysis. They enable you to perform calculations, implement functions and conditions, capture patterns and relationships, and gain deeper insights from your data.
  • Choosing the right method depends on your specific needs and data size. For simple conditions, complex manipulations may benefit from the flexibility of within/transform or the efficiency of mutate/transmute.
  • Mastering new variable creation is a foundational skill for data analysis in R. By confidently manipulating and enriching your data, you unlock the potential for accurate and insightful analysis, empowering you to answer your research questions with greater clarity and confidence.
Creating New Variables in R: Add Variables to a Data Frame

Table of Contents

Hi, I'm Zubair Goraya, a data scientist with over 5 years of experience. I've encountered many challenges with creating new variables in R during my PhD research, and I'm here to share the solutions I discovered.

Creating and Modifying Variables in R Data Frames

What are the variables in R?

In R language, variables are defined as objects that can store values. These values range from single values to complex data frames; read more. You can access and modify the variables in the workspace using various commands and functions. You can also save and load the variables in the workspace using files.

Why do we create new variables using R?

We need to create new variables in R for many reasons, such as:

  • Data Manipulation and Transformation: Add or modify variables to enrich your data with information or calculations needed for analysis.
  • Calculations and Comparisons: Create variables to store outcomes of analyses or comparisons performed on your data.
  • Function and Conditional Logic: Implement functions and if-else statements to create new variables based on their results.
  • Feature Engineering: Generate new features and indicators capturing patterns, trends, or relationships within your data (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation).
  • Data Merging: Create new variables to match common attributes across different data sets (e.g., ID, name, date).

How to create new variables in R using different methods and functions

Many ways exist to create new variables in R using other methods and procedures. In this section, I will introduce some of the most common and useful ones, explain how they work, and explain when to use them.

Creating New Variables in R: Methods and Functions

Several methods and functions exist for creating new variables in R, each with advantages and disadvantages. Here are some common ones:

  • Assign (x, value): Assigns a value to a named variable in an environment. It offers flexibility but can be risky due to potential variable overwrite.
  • Attach/detach: Attaches/detaches objects to the search path for easier access but can cause confusion and conflicts.
  • Within/transform: Evaluates expressions within an object, modifying it. It can be slow and create incompatible variables.
  • ifelse(test, yes, no): Creates a new variable based on a condition, returning different values for true and false cases. It can be slow for large datasets.
  • mutate/transmute (tidyverse): These functions consistently and efficiently create or modify new variables within a data frame based on existing ones.
I will give examples and code snippets for each method and function using a sample data set I made with RStudio. 

Required Packages

# Load the packages

Orignal Data Set

We first generate a sample data set containing the following variables to perform these analyses.

  • name: the name of the student
  • age: the age of the student
  • gender: the gender of the student
  • grade: the grade of the student
  • score: the score of the student on a test
  • height: the height of the student in centimeters
  • weight: the weight of the student in kilograms
# Set the seed
# Generate the sample data set
df <- data.frame(
  name = sample(c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve", "Frank", "Grace", "Henry", "Iris", "Jack"), 20, replace = TRUE),
  age = sample(10:18, 20, replace = TRUE),
  gender = sample(c("F", "M"), 20, replace = TRUE),
  grade = sample(6:8, 20, replace = TRUE),
  score = sample(50:100, 20, replace = TRUE),
  height = sample(140:180, 20, replace = TRUE),
  weight = sample(40:80, 20, replace = TRUE)

Data Description

head(df, 5) # top five rows of the data
dim(df) # dimension of the data
glimpse(df)# Print a concise summary of the data frame
summary(df) #descriptive statistics

top five rows of the data, dimension of the data, structure of the data along woth descriptive statistics

Using assign function

The assign function assigns a value to a name in an environment. The syntax of the assign function is:

assign(x, value, envir = parent.frame(), inherits = FALSE, ...)

The above function has several parameters:
  • The first parameter is "x," representing the variable's name.
  • The second parameter is "value," which represents the value assigned to the variable.
  • The third parameter is "envir" which represents the location assigned to the variable stored.
  • The fourth parameter is "inherits" which determines whether the name should be searched in parent environments.

Additionally, other arguments can also be passed to the function. For example, we can use the assign function to create a new variable called BMI, the student's body mass index, calculated as weight divided by height squared. We can use the following code:

# Create a new variable called BMI using the assign function
assign("bmi", df$weight / (df$height / 100)^2)
# Print the new variable

Create a new variable called BMI using the assign function

We can see that the assign function created a new variable called bmi in the global environment, the default environment for the assign function. We can also specify a different environment for the assigned function, such as a data frame. For example, we can use the following code to create a new variable called bmi in the data frame df:

# Create a new variable called bmi in the data frame df using the assign function
df$bmi<-assign("bmi", df$weight / (df$height / 100)^2)
# Print the data frame

Create a new variable called bmi in the data frame df using the assign function

The advantage of using the assign function is that it allows us to create new variables in any environment and assign any value or object to the new variables. 

The disadvantage of using the assign function is that it can be confusing and risky, as it can overwrite existing variables or objects with the same name or create variables or objects incompatible with the environment.

The best practice for using the assign function is to use it sparingly and carefully and to avoid using it in loops or functions. Using descriptive and unique names for the new variables and checking the environment before and after using the assign function is also recommended.

People also read:

Using attach and detach functions

The attach and detach functions are used to attach and detach objects to and from the search path. The search path is the sequence of environments in which R looks for objects when evaluating an expression. The syntax of the attach and detach functions are:
attach(what, pos = 2, name = deparse(substitute(what)), warn.conflicts = TRUE)
detach(name, pos = 2, unload = FALSE, character.only = FALSE, force = FALSE)

Where what is the object to be attached or detached, pos is the position in the search path, the name is the name of the object, warn.conflicts is a logical value indicating whether to warn about conflicts, unload is a logical value indicating whether to unpack a package or a namespace, character.only is a logical value indicating whether a name is a character string. Force is a logical value indicating whether to force the detachment.

For example, we can use the attach and detach functions to create new variables in the data frame df. We can use the following code:

# Attach the data frame df to the search path
# Create a new variable called BMI using the attached variables
bmi <- weight / (height / 100)^2
# Detach the data frame df from the search path
# Print the new variable

Attach the data frame df to the search path

We can see that the attach function attached the data frame df to the search path and made the variables in the data frame available for use without using the $ operator.

We then created a new variable called BMI using the attached variables. We then detached the data frame df from the search path and removed the variables from the search path.

The advantage of the attach and detach functions is that they allow us to access and use the variables in a data frame or an object without using the $ operator, making the code more concise and readable.

The disadvantage of using the attach and detach functions is that they can cause conflicts and confusion, as they can overwrite existing variables or objects with the same name or create variables or objects that are not visible or accessible.

The best practice for using the attach and detach functions is to use them sparingly and carefully and to avoid using them in loops or functions. It is also recommended to use descriptive and unique names for the new variables and to check the search path before and after using the attach and detach functions.

Using within and transform functions

The within and transform functions evaluate an expression within an environment, modifying the environment. The syntax of the within and transform functions are:

within(data, expr, ...)
transform(data, ...)

Where data is the object to be modified, expr is the expression to be evaluated, and … are the new variables to be created or modified.

For example

We can use the within and transform functions to create new variables in the data frame df. We can use the following code:

# Create a new variable called bmi using the within function
df <- within(df, {
  bmi <- weight / (height / 100)^2
# Print the data frame
# Create a new variable called BMI using the transform function
df <- transform(df, bmi = weight / (height / 100)^2)
# Print the data frame
Create a new variable called bmi using the within function

The difference between the within and transform functions is that the within process allows us to use curly braces and multiple lines of code, while the transform function only allows us to use commas and single lines of code.

The advantage of using the within and transform functions is that they allow us to create new variables in a data frame or an object without affecting the original object and to use the existing variables without using the $ operator.

The disadvantage of using the within and transform functions is that they can be slow and inefficient, as they make a copy of the original object, and they can create variables that are not compatible with the object.

The best practice for using the within and transform functions is to use them when we need to create new variables in a data frame or an object based on the existing variables in the object and to avoid using them in loops or functions.

Using descriptive and unique names for the new variables and checking the object before and after using the within and transform functions is also recommended.

Using ifelse function

The ifelse function is used to return a value depending on a condition. The syntax of the ifelse function is:

ifelse(test, yes, no)

Where the test is the condition to be evaluated, yes is the value to be returned if the condition is true, and no is the value to be returned if the condition is false.

For example, we can use the ifelse function to create a new variable called a pass, which indicates whether the student passed or failed the test based on the score variable. We can use the following code:

# Create a new variable called pass using ifelse function
df$pass <- ifelse(df$score >= 60, "Pass", "Fail")
# Print the data frame

Create a new variable called pass using ifelse function

The advantage of using the ifelse function is that it allows us to create new variables based on a single condition and to return different values for different cases. 

The disadvantage of using the ifelse function is that it can be slow and inefficient, as it evaluates the condition for each element of the vector and can create variables incompatible with the data type.

The best practice for using the ifelse function is to use it when we need to create new variables based on a single condition and to avoid using it in loops or functions. It is also recommended to use descriptive and unique names for the new variables and to check the data type and the length of the new variables.

Using mutate and transmute functions

The mutate and transmute functions are part of the tidyverse package, a collection of data manipulation and analysis packages. The mutate and transmute functions create new variables or modify existing ones in a data frame. The syntax of the mutate and transmute functions are:

mutate(.data, ...)
transmute(.data, ...)

where .data is the data frame to be modified, and … are the new variables to be created or modified.

For example, we can use the mutate and transmute functions to create new variables in the data frame df. We can use the following code:

# Create a new variable called bmi using the mutate function
df <- mutate(df, bmi = weight / (height / 100)^2)
# Print the data frame
# Create a new variable called bmi using the transmute function
df <- transmute(df, name, age, gender, grade, score, height, weight, bmi = weight / (height / 100)^2)
# Print the data frame
Create a new variable called bmi using the mutate and transmutate function

The difference between the mutate and transmute functions is that the mutate function keeps all the existing variables in the data frame. In contrast, the transmute function keeps the new or modified variables in the data frame.

The advantage of using the mutate and transmute functions is that they allow us to create or modify new variables in a data frame using a consistent and readable syntax. We use the existing variables in the data frame without using the $ operator.

The disadvantage of using the mutate and transmute functions is that they require the tidyverse package to be installed and loaded, and they can create variables incompatible with the data type.

The best practice for using the mutate and transmute functions is to use them when we need to create new variables or modify existing ones in a data frame that are based on the existing variables in the data frame and to avoid using them in loops or functions.

It is also recommended to use descriptive and unique names for the new variables and to check the data type and the length of the new variables.

Best Practices for Creating New Variables

  • Use descriptive and unique names to avoid confusion.
  • Choose the appropriate method based on your specific needs and data size.
  • Avoid assigning and attach/detach due to potential risks.
  • Utilize within/transform sparingly and check variable compatibility.
  • Leverage mutate/transmute for consistent and efficient data manipulation.


Creating new variables in R is a powerful skill that opens doors to deeper data exploration and analysis. By understanding the various methods, best practices, and real-world applications, you can confidently transform your data into a valuable source of insights. 

Remember, consistent knowledge expansion through exploring more complex methods and advanced data manipulation techniques will further enhance your data analysis abilities and propel you toward even more impactful results.  If you have any questions or feedback, please comment below. If you liked this article, please share it with others and help us grow.

Additional future directions for learning

  • R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data, By Hadley Wickham, Garrett Grolemund. 2016. read more
  • An Introductory Guide to R:  Easing the Learning Curve, By Eric L. Einspruch. 2022. Read more.
  • Biostatistics with R, An Introduction to Statistics Through Biological Data, By Babak Shahbaba, 2012. Read more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you create New Variables in r with mutate?
data_frame <- mutate(data_frame, new_variable_name = expression_or_function(existing_variables))
Example: Calculate BMI in a df with height and weight columns:
df <- mutate(df, bmi = weight / (height / 100)^2)
How to Create Variables in RStudio?

Code: Use mutate and other data manipulation functions in the R console.
Data Editor: Add columns and fill them with values or expressions.
Imports: Import data files containing new variables.

How many Variable Types in RStudio?

  • Numeric: Integers, decimals, complex numbers (e.g., 10, 3.14, 1j).
  • Logical: TRUE/FALSE (e.g., TRUE, 5 > 3).
  • Character: Strings (e.g., "Hello", "2023-12-15").
  • Factor: Categorical with levels.
age_group <- factor(df$age, levels = c("Young", "Middle-aged", "Senior"))
  • Date/Time: Specific representations (e.g., Sys.Date(), as.POSIXct("2023-12-15")).
  • List: Ordered collections (e.g., c(1, "apple", TRUE), list(age, height)).

How to View Variables in RStudio?

  • Environment pane: Lists all loaded variables, types, and values.
  • Data Editor: Displays variable values within data frames.
  • ls() function: Lists all variables in the current environment.
  • str() function: Shows the structure and properties of a specific variable.

Setting Environment Variables

  • Global Options: Configure system-wide variables (e.g., path to R packages).
  • Project options: Set project-specific variables (e.g., data directory).
  • Sys.setenv() function: Set variables within the R script.

How to create Dummy Variables?

  • factor() function: Convert categorical variables to factors with dummy levels.
  • model.matrix() function: Create a design matrix with dummy variables for regression models.
  • Packages like dplyr and caret: Offer convenient functions for dummy variable manipulation.
Example: Create dummy variables for "gender" in df:
df <- mutate(df, female = factor(df$gender, levels = c("M", "F")) == "F")

How to Clear Variables?

  • Environment pane: Right-click and choose "Remove" or "Unload."
  • rm() function: Remove specific variables (e.g., rm(variable1, variable2))
  • clear.env() function: Clear all loaded variables.

How to Define and Delete Variables in R?

  • Assignment (<-): Assign names and values (e.g., age <- 25).
  • Function calls: Create variables using read.csv() or c().
  • Data manipulation functions: Generate new variables within data frames (e.g., mutate).
  • Deleting: Use the same methods as clearing (see question 7).

How to Recode Variables?

  • ifelse() function: Apply conditional logic to map existing values to new codes (e.g., age_group <- ifelse(age < 30, "Young", "Adult")).
  • case_when() function (tidyverse): Offers more readable conditional logic for recoding.
  • map_values() function (purrr): Apply a function to each vector element for value transformation.

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About the author

Zubair Goraya
Ph.D. Scholar | Certified Data Analyst | Blogger | Completed 5000+ data projects | Passionate about unravelling insights through data.

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