Say Goodbye to Coding Complex Graphs

With this comprehensive guide, you have learned how to utilize the online ggplot2 and plotly interface to create visually appealing, insightful data

Key points

  • Discover the Power of ggplot2 and plotly in R: Explore the world of online data visualization using the popular R packages ggplot2 and plotly. Create stunning visualizations and uncover hidden insights in an interactive and user-friendly manner.
  • Seamless Data Input: Upload your data easily by choosing from multiple options, including sample datasets, uploading text files (CSV), or pasting data directly into the interface. Get started quickly without any hassle.
  • Customization Made Easy:
  1. Customize your visualizations with a wide range of options.
  2. Choose from various graph types, adjust aesthetics such as colours, labels, and themes, and add facets to analyze subsets of your data.
  3. Tailor your plots to convey the intended message effectively.
  • Interactive Visualizations with Plotly: Experience the Power of interactivity by converting your ggplot2 plots into Plotly visualizations. Zoom, pan, and hover over data points to gain deeper insights and engage your audience with dynamic exploration.
  • Download and Share:
  1. Download your visualizations as high-resolution PDF files for easy sharing and presentation.
  2. Access the R code behind your plots to reproduce or modify them according to evolving needs.
  3. Share your insights and collaborate with the community for further support and engagement.
ggplot2 Rshiny

By following this comprehensive guide, you can harness the capabilities of ggplot2 and plotly in R to create visually appealing and informative data visualizations. Enhance your data analysis, storytelling, and presentation skills while effectively communicating your findings to a broader audience.



In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of online data visualization using the powerful R packages ggplot2 and plotly. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced data analyst, this guide will walk you through creating stunning visualizations in an interactive and user-friendly manner. So let's dive in!

Getting Started with Data Visualization

Upload Your data

You need to upload your data to the online platform. We offer multiple options for data input, including loading sample datasets, uploading your text files (such as CSV), or pasting data directly into the interface.

Creating Visualizations

Once your data is uploaded, you can unleash the Power of ggplot2 and plot to develop various visualizations. The interface provides a smooth and intuitive experience, guiding you through the steps to customize your plot according to your requirements.

Selecting the Type of Graph

Choose from various graph types, such as histograms, boxplots, and scatter plots. Each graph type offers unique insights into your data.

Rshiny Layout

Choosing Variables

Specify the variables you want to plot on the x-axis and y-axis. Additionally, you can group or colour your data points based on a specific variable, providing deeper insights into patterns and relationships.

Adding Facets

If your data contains categorical variables you want to explore further, you can create facet grids to visualize subsets of data in separate panels, making comparisons easier.

Customization Options

Depending on the selected graph type, you can customize various aesthetics such as notches in boxplots, bin width in histograms, smoothing in scatter plots, and more. These options allow you to tailor the visualizations to your specific needs.

Aesthetics and Themes

The interface offers a wide range of customisation options to enhance your plots' visual appeal and clarity.

Text and Labels

Customize axis labels, add titles, adjust font sizes, rotate text, and choose different fonts to make your plots more informative and visually appealing.


Apply pre-defined themes like classic, dark, minimal, and more to give your plots a consistent and professional look.


Modify legend titles and positions, or remove them to optimise your visualisations' presentation.

Size and Dimensions

Adjust the size of your plot on the screen and for download, ensuring optimal visibility and compatibility across different devices and media.
Output and Download Options: The interface provides multiple output tabs to view and download your visualizations.


Display the generated plot using the ggplot2 package, allowing you to explore the intricacies of your data through visually appealing and insightful graphs.

Denisty plot using ggplot2


Experience an interactive version of your plot using the Plotly package, enabling you to zoom, pan, and hover over data points for detailed exploration.


Access the R code that generates your plot based on the selected options. This feature allows you to reproduce or modify the plot according to your evolving needs.

Downloading Plots

You can download your plots as PDF files, preserving their high-quality resolution. Click the "Download pdf of figure" button in the ggplot tab to obtain a downloadable version of your visualization.

Additional Information

Info Tab 

The Info tab provides valuable background information about the R language, the app's purpose, the R packages used (ggplot2 and Plotly), and acknowledgements to the creator and contributors.

Join our Community

Connect with the community for further support, assistance, and collaboration. The community offers a platform for sharing ideas, discussing best practices, and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in data visualization.


This comprehensive guide taught you how to utilize the online ggplot2 and Plotly interface to create visually appealing and insightful data visualizations. Whether you are a data analyst, researcher, or anyone dealing with data, these powerful tools empower you to uncover hidden patterns, relationships, and trends. Start exploring and presenting your data in a compelling way with ggplot2 and plotly in R!
Remember, the key to successful SEO is providing valuable and original content to users. Follow the steps in this guide; you can enhance your online visibility and provide users with a seamless experience while learning about ggplot2 and Plotly in R.


Can you use ggplot2 with Shiny? 

Yes, you can use ggplot2 with Shiny. Shiny is an R package that allows you to create interactive web applications, and ggplot2 is a popular R package for data visualization. By integrating ggplot2 into your Shiny app, you can create dynamic and interactive visualizations that respond to user inputs and interactions.

What is the difference between R and R Shiny? 

R is a programming language used for statistical computing and graphics. It provides a wide range of functionalities for data analysis and visualization. On the other hand, R Shiny is a web framework that leverages R's capabilities to build interactive web applications. R Shiny allows you to create user-friendly interfaces, connect with data sources, and dynamically update outputs based on user inputs, making it ideal for creating interactive data-driven applications.

How do you structure a Shiny app?

A Shiny app is typically structured into two main components: the user interface (UI) and the server logic. The UI component defines the layout and visual elements of the app, such as input controls and output containers. The server logic contains the code that processes user inputs, performs calculations, and generates outputs. By separating the UI and server logic, you can create modular and scalable Shiny apps that are easier to maintain and update.

Why is ggplot2 so popular? 

ggplot2 is popular for several reasons. First, it provides a highly flexible and expressive grammar for visualizations, allowing users to build complex and customized plots easily. Second, ggplot2 follows a layered approach to constructing plots, making it intuitive and enabling the addition of multiple visual elements. Additionally, ggplot2 has excellent community support, comprehensive documentation, and a wide range of resources available, making it accessible and user-friendly for both beginners and experienced data analysts.

What is ggplot2 vs ggplot? 

ggplot2 and ggplot refer to the same package. The package was initially called "ggplot" but underwent significant changes and improvements, leading to the release of ggplot2. ggplot2 is an enhanced version of ggplot, introducing a more consistent and refined grammar of graphics for data visualization in R. Therefore when referring to the package, it is more accurate to use the term ggplot2.

About the author

Zubair Goraya
Ph.D. Scholar | Certified Data Analyst | Blogger | Completed 5000+ data projects | Passionate about unravelling insights through data.

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